Monday, March 2, 2015

Bike to work

I try to live an active and healthy lifestyle, I go to the gym at least 4 times a week, I bike, jog, and play soccer once in a while. I also almost all the time watch what I eat. Last week, I was in and out of the hospital for check ups because of this faint pain or sort of throbbing in my heart which make me uncomfortable and scared... I felt scared because it might be something with my heart. However, after checking with cardiologists, and pulmonary specialists, all are normal, I think it might just be heart burn, because of my love for coffee... And so, my post today is about biking to work, and keeping healthy - physically and financially. 

I have decided to start biking to work, I have done this before and I will now continue to do it. Here are some of the things I think I will get from biking to work:

1. Healthier body and mind - I am a strong advocate of being active as it provides the needed boost one needs in order to maintain good body functions. Not only will our bodies will benefit from the increased blood and oxygen flow from being active and sweating out, our minds will also be more alert and awake. If I would start biking to work, I will have the much needed additional minutes of being active before getting down in front of my desk for another 8 hour bout with my computer.

2. Savings - I made a rough estimation of the cost I am incurring on a yearly basis, and came up with around P25,000.00 for the cost of my transportation to and fro my home and office - this includes the gasoline for my Vespa scooter, and parking lot costs. I was thinking that if I just take my bike to the office, I will have significant savings which I believe will be of great help to me. :)

3. Environment friendly - Aside from the direct benefits that I will get from biking to work, I will also indirectly help the world become a better place. Instead of burning fossil fuels from my car or scooter, I will be burning fat to bring me to my workplace!

However, all these positive things also comes with some challenges, here are some that I have experienced and how I coped with them.

1. Safety - Biking in Manila can be a a dreadful experience especially to newbies. Safety first! 
Always wear your helmet, get a decent helmet to provide your head with cushion if ever an accident would happen. Helmets can be bought from P500.00 up in your local bike shops!
Be seen with lights and blinkers, these things are essential especially if you are to ride at night, it is your responsibility to be seen by motorists and commuters.  And lastly, bikers should stay on course, meaning do not ride like a maniac and veering left and right just because you can! Remember that you are sharing the road.

2. Things to bring - This can be a real challenge! Getting yourself to the office by bike is already a a challenge to do. Having to bring things with you is another thing! The way to get this is by planning, either by bringing all the things you need once every week (Monday) or bringing less stuff everyday. Be sure to bring essentials - clothes for the office, of course you shouldn't wear your office attire while biking (sweat and dust are your enemies). Minimize what you bring and leave the heavy stuff in the office (laptop) if possible. Another way to get around this is by equipping your bike with carriers or racks, these things are available online or on your local bike shop for about P800.00.

3. Weather -It's summer season now here in the Philippines, and riding the bike is not hard, only sweaty, but when the rain starts to come, one should have a reliable raincoat to be used when riding to work. Have you bags covered too!

To sum it up, I am keeping by biking to work as it weighs more benefits to me even with all other challenges attached to it. So if you want to save money, keep fit and alert, start biking everyday!